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Wednesday, July 30, 2008


PEOPLE-CENTERED DEVELOPMENT: A BRIEF REVIEW … Indonesia is obsessed with breaking the poverty chain. Many programs have been launched, maintained and institutionalized. The greater part of those programs are centered on women and the family. In the early 1990's these programs became institutionalized into the “1992 Law on Population and Family Development”. Indonesia also saw the development of the Integrated Health and Family Planning, Post, commonly known as the POSYANDU, which among other things is directed for the family, women and children. The 1990s further saw efforts launched by BKKBN (National Family Planning Coordinating Board) to strengthen family development by introducing women groups to income security and motivating them to save and to draw credits. These became known as TAKESRA (savings for family welfare) and KUKESRA (credits for family welfare); in effect the embryo of pre-cooperative and cooperatives. In mid-2000 one would observe the advent of a new paradigm for empowering all members of the family, and of families within their local community. In generic terms this paradigm is labeled as POSDAYA. In essence POSDAYA is a local community forum issues related to representing the interests of all family members, discussing and agreeing on development priorities and needs fulfillment in the community. In summary, those were the milestones in family development and in efforts at alleviating poverty. Within each, there are specific operational interventions, some of which became success stories and others meeting failures. On this ground the strategy of POSDAYA is threefold. First, is developing small to medium scale entrepreneurial activities. Second, is promoting increased access to basic educational opportunities together with life skills training. Thirdly, is increasing access to health services, especially for mothers and children. SHARING BEST PRACTICES ... The principle of the OST is that Indonesia and the host organization, i.e. DAMANDIRI Foundation intend to share with international and national participants all lessons learnt and best practices in various activities and ventures in enhancing grassroots family welfare, and thereupon invite and comments and recommendations for improvement. Those best practice, among others will include the Posdaya paradigm, activities in improving the human resources, in and out of school, and provision of micro credit schemes. Those strategies are consistently and sustainably pursued by adhering to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and based upon Indonesia's principles of the Eight Functions of the Family. Various programs and activities in that arena have been in place, developed, and nurtured. Those will be demonstrated and shared. The theme for this OST is “… Empowerment base on commitment, confidence, conviction and continuity...” OBJECTIVES … The overall objective of the OST is to exchange empirical experiences on providing access and opportunities to grassroots families to participate in, and enjoy the fruits, of their toils in development. The specific objectives are as follows: • Demonstrating the POSDAYA approach as the appropriate paradigm for family and community development; • Demonstrating DAMANDIRI's program on practical Human Resources Development activities, particularly in improving the quality of higher secondary school (SMU) graduates; • Formulating recommendations for possible improvements in family and community and Human Resources Development in general, and for possible replications. METHODOLOGY … National and international participants will attend one-day of official opening and briefings. Days 2 and 3 will be for field observation and discussion with local authorities and cadres. At the end of Day 3 a session on Reflections-Discussions-Synthesis (R-D-S) will be held where participants and local authorities will formulate recommendations for future actions. That session officially closes the sharing program. Participants who are interested to further their observation to other sites of the country, are most welcome. Other recommended sites are Yogyakarta and Bali. For these observation visits, participants are requested to bear their own cost, i.e. air fare and accommodation. DAMANDIRI Foundation as host will provide assistance and facilitation. PARTICIPANTS … Participants will comprise senior and middle-level officials representing national and international Government and Non-Government Agencies in Family and Community Development. DATES AND VENUE ... The OST will he held in August 2008 at Jakarta, Bogor and Serang. As above mentioned optional observation at own cost will be at Yogyakarta and Bali. THE HOST … The organizer and host organization of the OST is the DAMANDIRI Foundation, a national Non-Governmental Organization founded by the former President Suharto in 1996. The overriding aim of the foundation is breaking the poverty chain and to enhance quality families. Pursuant to that aim, the foundation collaborates with various organizations and institutions, both in the government as well as the non-government and civil societies. The foundation also links itself closely with the banking system to enhance small and medium enterprises at the grass roots levels, and to enhance the services of professionals, such as village midwives. Links are also forged with the universities to enhance their community services to help the poor and the under-privileged. Having had significant experience and lessons learnt, the foundation began embarking on sharing those to national and international circles. This is done through seminars and workshops and by inviting national and international participants to Observation Study Tours. In implementing this OST the foundation collaborates closely with related institutions, such as the National Family Planning Coordinating Board (BKKBN) at various levels, the Coordinating Ministry for People’s Welfare, the Ministry of Interior, State and Private Universities and professional associations. THE COST … Participants are recommended to secure funding from their own country organizations or from international donor agencies, for return international travel to Jakarta. The DAMANDIRI Foundation will furnish local costs which includes, full-board accommodation, field observation, insurance and administrative/secretarial work, documentations and reports. FURTHER INFORMATION ... DAMANDIRI Foundation, Granadi Building 11th Floor, Jl. Rasuna Said, Blok X-1, Kav.8-9 Kuningan, South Jakarta, Indonesia Phones : (62-21) 252 4981, 252 4984, 529 64462 Fax : (62-21_ 252 4980, 525 4521 Web site : e-mail :,