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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Emerging Paradigm for Empowering the Family and Community for Welfare Enhancement at the Grass Roots

HIGHLIGHTOBSERVATION STUDY TOUR On Emerging Paradigm for Empowering the Family and Community for Welfare Enhancement at the Grass Roots, Jakarta and Yogyakarta, 28-31 Jan 2008

The DAMANDIRI Foundation, hereon forth referred to as the Foundation, has had the privilege to host the OST (Observation Study Tour) on "Emerging Paradigm for Empowering the Fainily and Community for Welfare enhancement at The Grass Roots". True to its vision of Family Prosperity, and the mission of Empowering the Grass Roots Families and Community for their Welfare Enhancement, the Foundation has endeavored hard to materialize the POSDAYA paradigm in the community. Various location-specific POSDAYA have been in operation since the inception in 2006-2007.

Encouraged by the rapid acceptance and adoption of the POSDAYA's concept and its three main pillars of Cotong Royong, of Self-Reliance (Kemandirian), and Empowerment, the Foundation began to initiate firm steps to share and disseminate this novel paradigrn of social change to the wider national and international circles. One of these is holding the OST's for both national and international participants. The OST was held at Jakarta and Yogyakarta on January 28-31 , 2008. The following are highlights and major points in the OST.

OBJECTIVES The overriding objectiveof the OST is toapply the concept of empowering all segmentsof the age spectrum in the farnily and the cornmunity through the community-based POSDAYA model. The specific objectives are:

* To share the community-based POSDAYA Paradigm to international and national participants; ! To share Indonesia's experience in empowering the community in social development through community-based POSDAYA Model; To invite participants to adapt the community-based POSDAYA and other models as appropriate to their respective settings; To share with international and national participants the inception of local community-based and other fore as data base for incumbent social and economic development and future programs.

Participants were Indonesian prograrn policy decision-makers at various levels, both from national-provincial-local levels, both government, non-government agencies, and also from international agencies. Ms Rachel Chua from ICOMP - Malaysia; Mr Abdisalan Osman Abdi, Somalian Embassy in Jakarta, Somalia; Ms Byarlina Gymirti, State Ministry of People's Welfare; Ms Ratna Juita Razak, National Family Plannning Coordinating Board (BKKBN) Mr AdrianusTanjung, the Indonesian Planned Parenthood Association; MrYan Efri Bachtiar, Bogor Agricultural Institute; Ms Noorchayati, State Planning Board of Central Java; Mr Legiman, State Planning board of Central Java; Ms Woro Sulistyaningsih, State Planning Board of Yogyakarta Special Province Ms Mundi Mahaswiati, Kusurna Buana foundation, Indonesia.